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Aliki Mitsakou Academy
"6 things they don't tell you when you go to get an Eyebrow Tattoo"

About Aliki Mitsakou:
Since I was a young girl, I’ve always liked makeup and I’ve liked how simple things could transform a woman from the sweet romantic girl in the neighborhood, into a shiny princess, into a charming bohemian woman, into a chic powerful woman, into a sexy coy woman, into a movie star and so many other roles that we can adopt, just by changing up our makeup, clothing style and hairstyle.
It was never my goal to engage professionally in the field of beauty. I studied Literature in which field I worked as a teacher for 12 years. All these years makeup and styling was my hobby. During my studies at the university I took the first makeup classes just because all of us teachers, like having degrees in whatever we engage into.
In 2011, I opened my first beauty Salon which was my partner’s idea at the time. As a literature teacher I never imagined that my hobby would later become my job. We had employees for every position, but I started taking baby steps towards officially doing the first eyebrows forming and makeup. My personal client list grew so much that I no longer had time to teach.
Semi-Permanent Tattoo Micro Pixel Service
Micropixel eyebrow tattoo is the technique that will take off your gaze harmlessly and painlessly.!! If you’re bored with pencils and shades, if you’ve never had the right shape of eyebrows, if you’ve never had eyebrows, or suddenly lost them, the Micropixel eyebrow tattoo solution is here for you. The Micropixel technique uses low-frequency micro needles on the first layer of the skin. It doesn’t come into contact with the blood thus it’s Painless, Bloodless and safe for our skin. It’s the only technique that can be applied in summer as you can wash your face the same day. It doesn’t cause reddish, swelling or other irritations. It is ideal for oily skin and it is the only one that does not cause any problems for people with skin problems such as white psoriasis or other skin conditions. We find semi-permanent colors, with perfectly natural organic or inorganic chemical composition, which are not going to alter to green, blue or orange color over time.
*All micropixel techniques are provided with a written guarantee of durable effect and of non-discoloration in green, blue, orange.
Amaze Prices
- Micropixel brows 2 years duration
- Session 1: 200€
- Session 2: 200€
- Micropixel brows 1 year duration
- Session 1: 200€
- Session 2: 100€
- Semi permanent tattoo removal
- 80€ per session
- Eyebrow formation
- 15€
“Told about us...”
Frequently Asked Questions
Micro pixel technique doesn’t hurt at all because, it’s applied in the first layer of the skin, right where we apply face creams and it’s epidermal thus it doesn’t cause any pain.
Micro pixel technique doesn’t release a single drop of blood as we’re working on the first layer of the skin and for that reason the colors don’t change and can be done on every skin even those which are not allowed to be tattooed, such as, people who have skin disease or pregnant women.
As Micro Pixel technic is applied in the first layer of the skin and doesn’t take a single drop of blood, it doesn’t swell the face at all, nor does it blur our skin and if in some cases of sensitive skin it’s barely reddish, it’s not caused by the micro Pixel technique, but by grabbing the skin with the gloves and in a few minutes it’s gone and the redness has no swelling.
Micro Pixel is a technique applied on the first layer of the skin and does not make contact with the blood. Chances of allergic reactions are extremely low. From 2011 until now, the statistics we’ve kept from a sample of 4,000 women that we’ve applied micro Pixel technique to, none has ever appeared, even in allergy-sensitive cases. Colors are hypoallergic and even though allergic reactions are possible, it has never happened to us.
Micro pixel technique is a process that is completely epidermical and it is applied in the first layer of the skin. So even in cases where we have skin disease of any kind we can do it without causing any damage.
Micro pixel technique is a process that’s completely epidermal. So, it’s applied on the first layer of the skin. Since we don’t make contact with the deeper layers, we don’t make any contact with blood, so in the case of autoimmunes we don’t run any risk of the semi-permanent micropixel tattoo not being successfully done.
In oily skin usually the color fades sooner than normal. It is assumed that a semi-permanent tattoo using micro pixel technic can last on oily skin as long as it does on dry or normal ones, there is no problem, the color does not fade and therefore we can guarantee for one to two years depending on the bundle our guests choose. If the semi-permanent tattoo fades earlier, they don’t pay again so the guests are covered for whatever happens to them.
Micro Pixel technique Is a process applied on the first layer of the skin and doesn’t make contact with the blood so the blood cells don’t alter the color we put on the skin. So, our guarantee of semi-permanent tattoo assures that the color is never going to turn green orange or purple and it will remain in its original form for the time we’ve promised. Only after a long time, the color will start becoming colder. The whole eyebrow will start to shrink and slowly disappear.
The micro Pixel technique, is a procedure that is applied to the first layer of the epidermis, it does not come into contact with the blood, therefore, the blood cells do not alter the color that we place on the epidermis, therefore, within the guarantee that we give, is that the semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo that we do, there is no way that it will ever turn green, blue, orange or purple, the color will remain in its original state for the time that we guarantee, it’s just that over time, slowly the color will become cooler, it will become more sandy. The whole brow will start to shrink and slowly disappear. Therefore, there is never a chance that it will turn green, blue or orange.
Black eyebrows are not recommended by the micro pixel technicians and are not even applied in natural brunettes. The reason is that the black color could fade over time and can turn to the green, blue or orange color that most women are afraid of. In women with dark skin and brunettes, we may apply a dark brown but never black. So, no lady will leave with black eyebrows but will leave with a rich dark brown eyebrow that is perfectly natural in color and shape. Since you leave from us no one is going to notice that any processing has been done to your eyebrows. The only thing they will notice is that you’ve got prettier 😘 Perfect right?
Our guest client’s psychology is our first concern. So, in the first session we always suggest an eyebrow that our guest can withstand, and not necessarily what is actually going to look 100% perfect on them. The eyebrows that we usually create in the first session have lighter colors and a smaller shape to avoid the first shock a lady gets, from her facial change so whether the eyebrows are thick or not we always choose the thinnest according to our client’s wishes.
What’s a lady’s goal when she chooses to get a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo? it’s making her eyebrows perfect to emphasize her eyes. Micro pixel technic is an epidermic process, thus it doesn’t swell the face, doesn’t blush it and has a perfectly natural result from the very first moment. The only thing that is going to happen is that everyone is going to tell you how beautiful you are but, they won’t know what you’ve changed. They won’t focus on your eyebrows. Only a specialist would notice. Remember that even though at first, it looks a little bit more intense than you can withstand, in six days the color is going to become softer because of the peeling process and the whole eyebrow is going to shrink from day to day in these six days. In the second session after 20 days, and not earlier, you can decide whether the color you want to end up is the first day’s color, or what’s left after six days.
The cases that have no eyebrows at all are those that are also the most difficult but with 3D micro pixel technique where we apply micro pixel strokes simultaneously, the result will be very natural, only someone who comes very close to your face will be able to notice that this is all artificial.
The sun shows everything even the smallest details so, If you have some eyebrows it won’t shine at all, but if you don’t have any and you’re applying moisturizing creams then yes, just like your skin shines, your semi-permanent micro-Pixel eyebrow tattoo will be shining. This usually happens when you’re at the beach. But we have techniques to show you on how you can avoid that, too.
The micro Pixel and semi-permanent tattoo is intended to give the guest a natural eyebrow. When we apply makeup we need to emphasize in the eyebrows, so yes when you apply makeup you should highlight your eyebrows because micro Pixel eyebrow tattoo can’t and shouldn’t be so intense. Because when you don’t wear makeup instead of showing off your perfect eyes, you will be showing off two bold and fake eyebrows.
Most semi-permanent tattooing techniques don’t work on the first layer of the skin so they can’t be applied in the summer because most people will be exposed to the sun for their sunbathing and go to the sea so their skin will get wet. Micro Pixel is the only technique that can be applied all year round even in the summer, because we don’t make contact with blood while we’re working on the skin and your face can get wet from the first moment with no color fade. In some special cases such as lifeguards who did not attempt to get a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo due to their constant contact with water, with any other technic they did not have the option to wet their face for days, so micro Pixel is the only one to solve and meet that need too. So, yes girls you can have semi-permanent eyebraw tattoo during the Summer too!
Most semi-permanent tattooing techniques oblige us in the first 6 days Or even more not to wet all of the area where the semi-permanent tattoo has been applied to. In the case of micro Pixels as the process is in the first layer of the skin where we do not make any contact with blood, we can wet our face from the first moment without the risk of not keeping the color, so yes right from the first moment you can go with it. And go to the sea and take a bath and wash your face with no problem!! Micropixel is Fantastic.
As micro Pixel technic is a skin process we do not make any contact with blood so you can immediately after the process dive into the sea and get your face wet without any risk of color altering or primal disappearing.
As the micro pixel technique is a skin process it’s applied on the first layer of the skin where we don’t make any contact with blood. It has no healing process. So we don’t have to pay attention to anything we can wash our face from the very beginning without any problem. We don’t have to put either creams or baseline or any other anaplastic creams in order to protect the color from fading.The eyebrows will slowly start peeling off and slowly form something like crust in the next six days. This is completely normal. After six days the color will start fading unevenly but you can tell us or put pencil over where it makes gaps. In some cases, it doesn’t peel at all according to customer testimonials but, it depends on every individual’s skin as you’re all unique!
Do you want to increase your income by starting a new career as a micropixel expert?
As a micropixel expert you will be trained on every technique that exists in the market up to date. You do not need to have previous knowledge because the three-day seminar includes:
- Theory of tattoo history
- Differences between permanent/semi-permanent tattoos
- Sterilization
- Three semipermanent makeup techniques:
- Microblading
- Micropixel
- Micropixel strokes
- Colorimetry
- Face metrics
- Correction of old tattoo colors
- Ways to treat unexpected skin reactions to the tattoo
- Tools and needles
- Photoshooting techniques
- Marketing strategy
- Customer service management
- Workshop on 9 models where we build your personal professional portfolio.
- Micropixel certificate
The three-day seminar is for up to two people and the trainees can work directly as tattoo experts. For those who are in Athens, you can attend the first ten sessions in our space under my supervision. For trainees outside Athens and Greece, there is on line supervision and information whenever necessary.
This seminar costs 2200€ pre-tax.
Those who attend this seminar, have 50% discount on lip training or eyeliner training.
Are you already a semi-permanent makeup practitioner and want to develop your technique by learning micropixel and micropixel strokes?
In this two-day seminar you will learn the pros and cons of all semi-permanent make-up techniques and for which reasons the micropixel is the safest and most efficient technique that guarantees the best and most safe results for both you and your customer. Includes:
- Two-model workshop
- Face metrics
- Colorimetry
- Tools and needles
- Sterilization
- Micropixel certifícate
This seminar costs 1500€ pre-tax.
The lips and eyeliner seminars cost 600€/each pre-tax.